

I havent written a true blog post in months. I wanted to take a different approach to my blogging, and allow the photos to take centre stage, rather than script.
But with all that is happening in my personal life, I felt I owed it to my faithful readers who interact with me and this blog, to give a little inside scoop. For old time sakes.

So, Im getting married. Now I know you are probably thinking, " thanks tips, we were aware you got engaged 2 years ago!" And technically, you wouldn't be wrong. But what Im saying is...I'm getting married. Like set the date, booked the photographer, ordered the dress getting married.
In less than 2 months, I will attend a wedding and instead of shooting it, I will be the bride. yikes.

The good news is the traumatizing stress that apparently is required to settle in among couples planning a wedding, has yet to appear. But we can't wait, cause that sounds fun.

Since Im up to my eye balls in everything wedding related, feel free to leave your advice, tips, hilarious stories and mishaps for me to read. And for youuuuuuuuu, lucky ducks, I have a recent portrait of The Gary. aweeeeeeeeee.


1 comment:

  1. With all the weddings you have shot I am sure you've had a ton of inspiration and with your attention to detail I can't wait to see photos of the event!
