

Okay, so anyone who knows me will say that when I fall in love with something, I go crazy for it. Like, I mean I looooove it! Ice cream, a restaurant, a belt, shoes, an album, and people.

A few months ago I was in a client's home shooting their adorable newborn baby girl, when my ears clued in to what they were hearing. The melody suggested “Sunday bloody Sundaaay” but only in a soft and sweet lullaby form. Turns out these genius musicians in California have composed and compiled a collection of popular music in all their lullaby glory called Rockabye Baby. I don’t even have kids (of my own anyway) and I knew I needed these discs in my life.

Well, just this past weekend, the opportunity presented itself for me to quickly talk my way into the local children’s store Scholar’s Choice when Sean and I were out running errands. I picked up both the Bob Marley and U2 renditions and cant wait to get The Beatles, Coldplay, and Black Sabbath CD’s.

I wholeheartedly recommend visiting the website whether you have kids, grand kids, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, paper boys, girl guides, Sunday school students or just a freckle face kid behind the counter at Dairy Queen.

I love these albums. And I'm not just saying that to get some sort of kick-back. However, if a rep for Rockabye Baby is reading this and wants to send me the rest of the set, well you just go ahead.

Here’s my nephew Noah meeting his new bedtime tunes for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Noah likes the music as much as we do.
