

The two most frequently asked questions after clients secure their session date seem to be, “where should we shoot?” and “what should we wear?”. Both valid questions and an important decision. I thought offering my opinion on these topics via the snoop bloggy blog might help shed some light when ironing out the details.

First thing’s first. Location, location, location! When my lovely clients say to me, “we trust your judgment, you go ahead and choose the location.” I turn to them and begin asking questions. What are you hoping to get out of these photos? Are you looking for candid fun, intimacy, fierce and fashionable, made up, silly, or natural? Once I have established what type of session is important to them, I let them know that it’s imperative to choose a location where they feel comfortable. Somewhere they feel happy, sexy, pretty or fun. Perhaps it is a sentimental spot loaded with memories or maybe it is a venue that embodies their unique personalities. If someone were to say to me, “listen… this one time he held my hand near this dumpster, in a dark alley and it was the most romantic moment of our lives. Can we recreate that?” Id say, “heck ya! Get down with your paper bag princess self.” Now should that circumstance ever arrive I may hire Mr.T to watch my back in your dark alley, but don’t worry, he wont make a scene.
The point is, although I can dream up creative visions and storyboard in my head what I’d like to see unfold, its not going to mean a thing if those being photographed aren’t at ease and feeling good about their surroundings.

Whether it’s a group, a family, a couple or a baby – selecting wardrobe can be underestimated.
This is my stance: (*sidenote: ha! Writing that word just brought me back to karate lessons as a kid. Why oooooh why does my mother not have photos of my younger brother and I posing in our gee’s??)
Colour is your friend. Yep. It is. This goes out to all of you fine folks who had planned on showing up to your sessions and surprising your photographer with the ever so popular 1993 Levi’s Commercial fiasco. (which translates to, everyone wear your black tee and jeans look). Im going to go out on a presumptuous limb here, believing that I speak for creative photographers everywhere when I say, “for the love of God, please, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.” Hats, gloves, colour, patterns, prints and accessories. Don’t be afraid to funk-i-fy yourself and take risks. Choose attire that speaks for your personality and reflects your true self.
I've put together a smattering of examples taken from popular clothing stores. By no means am I suggesting anyone needs to rush out and buy new clothing for a photo shoot. Just look deep into your own closets and tickle trunks for articles that are appealing. If you are looking to pick up a new addition to your wardrobe in light of having photos taken, don’t rule out local vintage and second-hand stores where you can find inexpensive and unique pieces.
Below are three compilations of generic suggestions in the categories of Dressy, Casual and Family.

I’m aware and love that every human has their own flavour, flare and sparkle so please interpret this at the basic level it is. If I ever have the privilege of shooting YOU in the future, I hope to see your own shine come through.
Happy Canada Day Eve!

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